This set of summer decodable texts will help your Kindergarten students practice their decoding skills! These decodable passages and lesson plans cover summer topics like staying safe in the sun, swimming, Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, World Ocean Day, Canada Day, Independence Day (U.S.), Friendship Day, and getting ready to go back to school.
IMPORTANT: This passage set includes challenging skills for Kindergarteners and is best used at the end of the school year (or even for reading material to be sent home over summer break). If you’re teaching summer school with Kindergarten students who are behind in reading, would be a much better fit!
These materials will help your students:
- Practice specific phonics skills in context
- Develop strong decoding skills
- Learn to recognize high frequency words in context
- Experience reading SUCCESS!
Here’s what’s included:
- 14 single-page decodable texts on summer and different holidays that occur during the summer months
- 1 lesson plan per text
- 1 writing prompt per text
- 1 set of comprehension questions per text
- 1 graphic organizer per text
- color and black and white versions of every item
Skills covered:
- CVC words (2 passages)
- Consonant blends (4 passages)
- CVCe words (8 passages)
Passage topics:
- Summer (2)
- National Donut Day (June)
- Father’s Day (June)
- Summer Solstice (June)
- World Ocean Day (June 8th)
- Canada Day (July 1st)
- UV Safety Awareness Month (July)
- Independence Day-U.S. (July 4th)
- National Postal Workers Day (July 1st)
- National S’mores Day (August 10th)
- National Friendship Day (August)
- International Left Handers Day (August 13th)
- Back to School (August)
Frequently Asked Questions:
What scope and sequence or program do these texts follow?
You can use these decodable texts with any phonics program! Please see the list above of the phonics skills addressed in the passages. These passages are great for working on new skills or for reviewing previously-taught skills.
Will these books match my high frequency word instruction?
Your students can be successful reading these decodable texts even if your high frequency word instruction is not a 100% match. Plus, each lesson plan lists out all the high frequency words / irregular words covered in the text, so you can pre-teach any words that students do not already know.
Will this cover all my phonics instruction?
No. These decodable texts are meant to supplement a phonics program, not replace one. You will still need explicit, systematic phonics lessons to teach each sound / pattern. If you need a complete program, check out .